Special Primary Election - 15th State Senate District
Filing Closed      
Offices Political Party Stmt of Intent 501 Nom Paper Issued Dec. of Cand. Filed Cand Stmt. Filed Qualified for ballot Accept Spending Limit Ballot Designation
15th State Senate District                 
Jim Fitzgerald (San Luis Obispo) IND   5/3/2010 5/10/2010 No Yes Yes Retired Transportation Manager
Sam Blakeslee (San Luis Obispo) REP 5/3/2010 5/3/2010 5/6/2010 No Yes No Independent Business Owner
John Laird (Santa Cruz) DEM 5/4/2010 5/4/2010 May-10 No Yes No Educator
Mark Hinkle (Santa Clara) LIB   5/3/2010 5/10/10 No Yes Yes Small Business Owner
6/2/10 5:02 PM