Ed Acosta

Agriculture Manager/Commissioner/Father      www.electacosta.com   ed@electacosta.com   831-228-2858      Age: 51

Vote for Ed Acosta for County School Board. Vote for Ed Acosta and expand Career Technical Training.
Vote for Ed Acosta and our Kids will get Real Jobs that make Real Money. Vote for Ed Acosta and bring back hands-on vocational trade school education. Vote for Ed Acosta and expand English/Spanish job opportunities for our students.

Ed Acosta is a Father of three children, all born and raised in the Pajaro Valley. Ed proudly serves his community as a City of Watsonville Planning Commissioner.

Ed Acosta is the Treasurer for Independence Square Board of Directors.  A local non-profit organization dedicated to housing the Senior and Disabled.

Ed Acosta is a true Leader bringing an experienced and successful track-record of accomplishments in business: Certified background with multi-million dollar Berry Industry, Food Safety Officer, Audit Oversight and Analyst, Good Agriculture & Manufacturing Practices

For the past 28 years our Pajaro Valley community has been represented by the same voice. These School Bureaucrats often do not have to compete for your vote. It’s time for change!

I’m running for County Board of Education to give Voters a choice and to give our Students a better chance at a great education. Vote for Ed Acosta for County School Board.

831-222-0184  ed@electacosta.com www.electacosta.com